Rio de Janeiro – Brazil
The residential complex 360° In The Park is located on the peninsula which is considered as an extension of Barra da Tijuca. This is a district that enhances the sustainable initiatives, following the premises of Brazilian landscaper Fernando Chancel. For this property, Gonzato Contract Division supplied the security gates of the building and the internal big gazebos that make the residential environment attractive and attentive to each detail.
In this case the gate has been designed with automatic opening, to ensure extreme comfort. The decoration and the height, on the other hand, were decided by the customer so as to harmonize the gate and the fence, resistant and able to act as a border for the property, but also important from the point of view of aesthetics and design.
Via Vicenza, 6/14 (SP46)
36034 Malo – Vicenza – IT
tel +39 0445 580580
fax +39 0445 580874
© GD. All Rights Reserved. | Ind.i.a. spa (Gonzato Group) • Società unipersonale soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Ind.i.a. H. srl Via Vicenza, 6/14 (SP46) – 36034 Malo (Vi) – IT – Tel. 0445 580580 | E-mail: info@india.it – Pec: indiaspa@legalmail.it
CF e PI: 00189160245 – Nr. Rea: VI-114204 – SDI: A4707H7 – Capitale Sociale € 4.000.000,00 i.v.