“Detail” is the key to read this remarkable work completed for a prestigious villa in the heart of Tel Aviv. In this property, the staircase is the backbone of the house and for this reason the utmost attention to the detail, which characterizes it, has been paid to.
Such was the attention to every single piece and its production that a mere vertical connection eventually became a work of art and therefore the symbol that most distinguishes the villa that houses it.
The supporting structure of the staircase is composed of cantilevered shelves directly drowned on the reinforced concrete walls that make up the stairwell. These aerial structures were then expertly coated with brass sheets, boxed using the folding technique.
This approach allowed a definition of the edges that would otherwise have been unattainable. The staircase appears as continuous panels that follow the development of the flights of stair for lengths of almost six meters. All without any visible welding.
Particular attention was finally paid to the surface finish of the supplied material. The brass sheets were therefore burnished to bring out the typical warmth of oxidized brass, and then they were finished with a light brushing that made the color light, in a certain sense, ethereal.
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