stainless steel
Sevilla – Spain
For the urban sector, where residences, offices and commercial areas have been created, the highest tower of Sevilla designed by César Pelli finds its proper placement. Gonzato Contract designed the realization of all the walkways and stairs leading to the upper commercial floors. To fix the laminated tempered glasses, special “blade” posts made of stainless steel AISI 316 have been studied, together with spiders and round clamps. The stainless steel railings of the main stairs provide an adequate security for the important flow of people.
© GD。版权所有。 | Ind.ia. spa(Gonzato Group) • 受 ind.i.a. H. srl指导和协调的成员公司
维新查, 6/14 (SP46) – 36034 Malo (Vi) – IT – Tel. 0445 580580 |电子邮件:info@india.it – 认证电子邮件:indiaspa@legalmail.it
意大利税号和增值税号:00189160245 – 经济行政索引号:VI-114204 – SDL:A4707H7 – 全额缴足股本 4,000,000.00欧元