iron – brass
Issele uku – nigeria
This project at a prestigious residence near the Niger River involved an important collaboration with the architectural firm Peri Davidovich Architects. All the forged iron railings that make up the galleries were embellished with brass decorations. Moreover, as per the designer’s plans, the balconies, stairs and gates were finished with swirls and curls in wrought iron. The anti-terrorism security systems made according to the client’s designs are also worth of mention.
Here represented different views of the beautiful staircase installed at the residence. In these photos the railing, wisely worked and decorated, a masterpiece of craftsmanship and mastery, synonyms of Gonzato Contract, becomes the undisputed protagonist.
A few years later, the client also asked for the construction, supply and installation of an elevated roof of the immense internal courtyard to Gonzato Contract.
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