Tenerife – Spain
Gonzato Contract has supplied for this private residence located in Tenerife a glass staircase. The anchoring system is composed of a cylindrical body made of stainless steel shaped to build a base support for the tripleglazed piece which forms the step. The two threaded locking elements of stainless steel are used to block and join all the glass elements which compose the stairway. All the joints between the stainless steel and the glass are covered by black rubbers.
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维新查, 6/14 (SP46) – 36034 Malo (Vi) – IT – Tel. 0445 580580 |电子邮件:info@india.it – 认证电子邮件:indiaspa@legalmail.it
意大利税号和增值税号:00189160245 – 经济行政索引号:VI-114204 – SDL:A4707H7 – 全额缴足股本 4,000,000.00欧元