Miami – Florida (USA)
A place of contemplation and relaxation that exalts the emotions offered by the surrounding natural environment. This basic and uncontaminated space draws lymph from the light and nature typical of the Atlantic Ocean and a landscape of unquestionable charm. For this privarte residence located in Miami Gonzato Contract supplied the glass railings with handrails, the gate, the fence and the internal staircase.
The railing system have been made respecting the most strict safety standards. In particular, these areas are subject to frequent weather extreme events that can permanently compromise the housing structures. Glasstree Wall is the wall-mounted version of the Glasstree system. For the branches, formed by two stainless steel vertical flat bars joined each other by pierced cylindrical spacers, have been created a retaining flat bar for the wall fixing.
Via Vicenza, 6/14 (SP46)
36034 Malo – Vicenza – IT
tel +39 0445 580580
fax +39 0445 580874
© GD. All Rights Reserved. | Ind.i.a. spa (Gonzato Group) • Società unipersonale soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Ind.i.a. H. srl Via Vicenza, 6/14 (SP46) – 36034 Malo (Vi) – IT – Tel. 0445 580580 | E-mail: info@india.it – Pec: indiaspa@legalmail.it
CF e PI: 00189160245 – Nr. Rea: VI-114204 – SDI: A4707H7 – Capitale Sociale € 4.000.000,00 i.v.