Breganze – Italy
For this renowned Venetian farm, external elements were made consisting entirely of corten steel. This canopy at the entrance to the property deserved to be emphasised, so it was pre-forged by hand to simulate the natural sinuosity of a vineyard. Stainless steel railings were also made as part of the same project, which were then mirror polished around the intersections.
All the decorations, including the canopy, are reminiscent of the surrounding rural area. The vine shoots, leaves and bunches have been recreated in wrought iron with the maximun quality. To illuminate the entrance, two hanging lanterns, also produced by Gonzato Contract.
Via Vicenza, 6/14 (SP46)
36034 Malo – Vicenza – IT
tel +39 0445 580580
fax +39 0445 580874
© GD. All Rights Reserved. | Ind.i.a. spa (Gonzato Group) • Società unipersonale soggetta a direzione e coordinamento di Ind.i.a. H. srl Via Vicenza, 6/14 (SP46) – 36034 Malo (Vi) – IT – Tel. 0445 580580 | E-mail: info@india.it – Pec: indiaspa@legalmail.it
CF e PI: 00189160245 – Nr. Rea: VI-114204 – SDI: A4707H7 – Capitale Sociale € 4.000.000,00 i.v.